Monday, October 23, 2017

Fighting cybercrime in recent years has been important. Despite the fact that the adverse effect of cyber activities, many companies are not looking for cyber breaches proactively. It is only when they detect ‘smoke’ they react to the issue. After Ransomware, experienced professionals like retired FBI agents, cybercrime experts, etc. worked on the issues to prevent major loss.

Therefore, it is extremely important to work on cybercrime issues on time to prevent loss.

So, it is important to know how companies can combat cybercrime and improve their cyber health. Here are few tips on how to do so:

1.Provide Education on Cyber Security

The best way to combat cybercrime is by knowing it. Educate employees about the ongoing warning messages, popups, etc. Inform them about flag suspicious emails and fake websites. Educate them that simply clicking on any website is not a good way to work. In addition to this, it is also essential to recognize cybercrime early and secure their own and company’s data. It will be beneficial if companies detect and response to available cybercrime risks and issues.

2. Collect Security Logs and Analyze Abnormal and Suspicious Activities  

It is very important to understand that every company’s security logs are being collected and analyzed properly for suspicious activities. Although, this seems to be an ordinary work, it can safeguard company’s important data from being ruined. A good example for this is one can look for application executions or credential logins that took place in non-working hours. For more guidance on this, you can hire experienced professionals on cybercrime, retired FBI agents working on this and more.

3. Create Strong Passwords and Privileged Accounts under Protection

You must have heard people saying that creating strong passwords help in protecting your data. Well, it is true. You must make strong passwords that are unique to an account and often try changing them. It is your duty to protect your work, so do carefully. And, never use the same password multiple times.

4. Do not Install Untrusted Applications 

Using untrusted applications will not be good for you. Although, you have the ability to use applications, as you want to but, being careful about its quality is essential. By installing unauthentic applications, there can be many risks to the data. Cyber issues such as ransomware or malware etc. were infected as they were installed. Therefore, make sure that you do not use any such application that will cause a problem to the system or data.

5. Be Alert and Unpredictable 

It is extremely important to be alert and unpredictable in every manner to stay away from cyber attacks. Many companies look for automation to help in assisting cyber security defenses. Being predictable will help you fight cybercrimes in a better manner.
There are many companies that are taking serious steps regarding cyber crime issues. With the help of retired FBI agents, experts and other cybercrime professionals, you can help control such acts. So, be careful and protect your data.



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